online tutorials


Tutorial 1: Setup

See how to install and setup NittanyCow, and learn how the licensing process works.

Tutorial 2: Creating and Organizing Rations

Learn how to create rations and organize them into catalogs or databases.

Tutorial 3: Creating Mixes and Managing User Feeds

Create mixes and create a customized feed library for your rations.

Tutorial 4: Importing and Applying Lab Samples

Import our feed analyses electronically and update feeds without manual entry.

Tutorial 5: Creating Ration and Mix Reports

Create reports to print or e-mail 

Tutorial 6: Using the Autobalancer

Create basic autobalancer settings to optimize feed cost and milk production.

Tutorial 7: Creating Custom Fields

Learn how to create your own ration fields to track any nutrients that NittanyCow doesn't include for you already. 

Tutorial 8: Data Transfer, Backup, and Mainenance

Share rations between NittanyCow users, transfer and backup database files.